Official tourist guide for Umbria
Umbria, the green heart of Italy! Assisi, Perugia, Gubbio, Orvieto, Todi or Spoleto are famous all over the world also thanks to Saint Francis, Saint Clare, Perugino, Raphael, Jacopone da Todi, Saint Benedict, etc.
Each of these remarkable people represents a peculiar trait of the Umbrians – shy, hardworking, profoundly religious men and women who are deeply attached to their land and traditions. Tasting a dish of lentils of Castelluccio, the crescia of Gubbio or the ciaramicola of Perugia is a dive into the past that has come down to us.
Every building, church or image has something special to tell. With the help of a qualified guide and his/her experience, you can enjoy what Umbria can offer at its best: a wonderful concentration of art, history, folklore, and pleasures of the palate. In every season there is something special to do and see.
Come and see for yourself!

Monia Minciarelli ha ricevuto da ADE in data 24/12/2020 un contributo di € 2.000,00 oltre ad altri aiuti già pubblicati e consultabili nel Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato (RNA)